Monday 22 April 2013

Suggestions for iPad use for client with Angelman Syndrome in Calgary

Ian is 25 and has Angelman Syndrome, nonverbal, in wheelchair, functioning somewhere between six months to … no one really knows…very keen on theatre, movies, comedy, expert at reading nonverbal behavior, poor fine motor but can point, highly distractible, very strong visual memory, great sense of humor and curiosity ... he has been introduced to ipad and is VERY interested.. cat videos are a very good draw!  Many persons with Angelman Syndrome are able to use their intuition to benefit from iPads in a number of ways.

Goals?  Just an enjoyable alternative to watching TV at the group home would be sufficient.  Enhance communication abilities would be very good.  He communicates very well nonverbally but has no formal system.

-          First need is a really rugged arm to attach the ipad to his wheelchair.. because he is very strong, rambunctious, curious and exploratory.  He also tends to throw things when he is tired of them.  He turns things upside down and checks them out to see if they come apart.   I know of one type of attachment arm which uses a magnet to hold the ipad to the arm… I’m pretty sure this wouldn’t work for him because he would be able to remove the ipad… recommendations?  Where to obtain?  Any supplier in Calgary?   I have spent hours on the net but this task is pretty overwhelming for a lay person…

-          How do you attach the ipad to the wheelchair arm?  Suspect arm needs building up?  Who knows how to do this?

-          After that, no doubt many things will come up,  not sure he will be able to  learn to “tap” softly enough, but he might be able to…

Can you provide some advice to us?  Do you know who can?  We have some funds to engage someone if that is what is needed.  Would be grateful for  any assistance, direction or referrals…..

Please contact Penny if you have any suggestions or could refer them to someone. 

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